
Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2024)

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)
Written by Nik

Welcome to the ultimate Viking Rise Game Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)! In this comprehensive beginner’s guide, we will walk you through the exciting world of Viking Rise, an enthralling strategy game set in the era of the mighty Norse warriors. Whether you are new to the gaming scene or an experienced player looking for a fresh challenge, this game offers a unique blend of historical adventure and strategic gameplay that will keep you hooked for hours on end.

Viking Rise is set in a time where the Norsemen ruled the seas, and their influence reached far and wide across Europe and beyond. Players are tasked with building their Viking village, assembling a formidable army, and conquering new territories to expand their domain. With the game’s immersive storyline, rich graphics, and engaging gameplay, players are sure to be transported to a world where they can live out their Viking fantasies.

In this guide, we will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you navigate the various aspects of the game, from base building to resource management, and from battle tactics to conquering new lands. Whether you are a casual gamer or a competitive strategist, our guide covers everything you need to know to make your mark in Viking Rise.

How to recruit more workers?

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise, recruiting more workers is essential for expanding your village and ensuring a steady flow of resources. Workers play a critical role in constructing buildings, gathering resources, and researching new technologies. Here are some tips on how to recruit more workers in the game:

  1. Upgrade your Town Hall: The Town Hall serves as the heart of your village and determines the maximum number of workers you can have. Upgrading your Town Hall will increase the worker capacity, allowing you to recruit more workers for your village.
  2. Build and upgrade Worker’s Huts: Worker’s Huts are the primary source of workers in Viking Rise. Constructing and upgrading these structures will increase the number of workers available for recruitment.
  3. Complete quests and achievements: Participating in quests and completing achievements often rewards you with additional workers. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and make sure to complete them whenever possible.
  4. Use in-game currency or real money: Some games may offer the option to purchase additional workers using in-game currency or real money. If you’re eager to expand your workforce quickly, consider using this feature. However, always be cautious and responsible when spending real money in a game.
  5. Participate in events: Special events often provide opportunities to earn additional workers as rewards. Make sure to participate in these events and compete with other players to increase your chances of winning more workers.
  6. Join a clan or alliance: Being a part of a clan or alliance can offer various benefits, including access to shared resources and workers. Collaborate with your clan members, contribute to the group’s objectives, and you may be rewarded with extra workers for your village.

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Always check your mail

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise and many other online games, it’s essential to regularly check your in-game mail. The mail system serves as a primary communication channel between the game developers, your fellow players, and you. Staying up-to-date with your mail not only keeps you informed about important announcements but also provides you with valuable rewards and opportunities. Here are some reasons why you should always check your mail in Viking Rise:

  1. Developer updates and announcements: The game developers often use the mail system to inform players about updates, maintenance, new features, and other essential information. Regularly checking your mail ensures that you are aware of any changes or improvements to the game.
  2. Rewards and bonuses: In-game mail is frequently used to deliver various rewards, bonuses, and gifts to players. These can include resources, workers, or special items that can help you progress faster in the game. By checking your mail regularly, you ensure that you don’t miss out on any valuable rewards.
  3. Event notifications: Special events, tournaments, and competitions are often announced through in-game mail. Participating in these events can provide you with unique rewards and opportunities, so it’s crucial to stay informed through your mail.
  4. Communication with fellow players: Your friends, clan members, or even opponents might send you messages through the in-game mail system. Staying in touch with other players can help you forge alliances, coordinate strategies, or simply socialize and enjoy the game more.
  5. Quests and challenges: Some quests and challenges may be communicated to you through your in-game mail. Completing these tasks can provide you with various rewards and help you progress in the game.

Read also: Conquering The Viking Rise Game World Tips Guides And Insights

Focus on Economic Technology

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise, focusing on economic technology is a crucial strategy for establishing a strong foundation in the game. Economic technology encompasses the research and upgrades that improve your village’s resource production, storage capacity, and overall efficiency. By prioritizing economic technology, you can ensure that your village remains competitive and well-equipped to handle future challenges. Here are some reasons why focusing on economic technology is essential in Viking Rise:

  1. Increased resource production: A strong economy is the backbone of any successful village in strategy games. Researching and upgrading economic technology will help you increase the production rate of essential resources, such as wood, stone, food, and gold. This increased production allows you to expand your village, train more troops, and develop other aspects of your game more effectively.
  2. Improved storage capacity: As you progress in the game, you’ll need to store more resources to fund your expanding village. Investing in economic technology will increase your storage capacity, ensuring that you can hold onto valuable resources for future use.
  3. Enhanced resource gathering: Some economic upgrades can also improve your villagers’ efficiency in gathering resources. This means they’ll collect resources faster and in greater quantities, providing you with the means to grow your village and army more quickly.
  4. Quicker construction and research: Upgrading your economic technology can reduce the time it takes to construct buildings and research new technologies. This faster progress will give you a competitive edge over other players in the game.
  5. Better trade opportunities: As your economy strengthens, you’ll have more resources available for trading with other players. This can open up new opportunities for alliances and strategic partnerships, which can be crucial for your success in the game.

To focus on economic technology in Viking Rise, be sure to:

  1. Regularly invest in research and upgrades for your production buildings, such as farms, lumber mills, mines, and marketplaces.
  2. Allocate a portion of your resources and workers specifically for economic development.
  3. Keep an eye on your storage capacity and upgrade your warehouses as needed.
  4. Prioritize research that improves resource gathering and production rates.
  5. Engage in trade with other players to maximize your resource gains and establish beneficial relationships.

How to improve the visual experience?

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

Improving the visual experience in Viking Rise or any other game can greatly enhance your overall enjoyment and immersion. High-quality graphics, smooth animations, and a well-designed user interface contribute to a more engaging gaming experience. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to improve the visual experience in Viking Rise:

  1. Adjust in-game settings: Many games offer a range of graphics settings to cater to different devices and preferences. You can explore the in-game settings menu to find options related to graphics quality, resolution, and other visual aspects. Adjust these settings to find the optimal balance between performance and visual quality for your device.
  2. Update your device’s software: Ensuring that your device’s software is up-to-date can lead to better compatibility and performance with the game. Make sure you have the latest operating system and graphics drivers installed on your device.
  3. Use a larger screen: If you’re playing the game on a small screen, consider using a larger one to get a better view of the game world and appreciate the graphics. You can connect your device to a TV or a computer monitor if it supports such a feature.
  4. Use headphones or external speakers: While not directly related to visuals, good audio can significantly enhance your overall gaming experience. Use quality headphones or external speakers to immerse yourself in the game’s soundscape fully.
  5. Reduce screen clutter: Keep your in-game user interface (UI) clean and organized. Close unnecessary menus and windows to reduce screen clutter, making it easier to focus on the game’s visuals.
  6. Adjust your device’s display settings: Tweak your device’s display settings, such as brightness, contrast, and saturation, to find the best setting that suits the game’s visuals and your personal preference.
  7. Enhance the game with mods: Some games have a thriving modding community that creates visual enhancements and other improvements. While Viking Rise may not necessarily have such mods, it’s worth exploring if there are any available that can enhance its visual experience.
  8. Keep the game updated: Game developers often release updates that include visual improvements and bug fixes. Make sure to keep your game updated to enjoy the best possible visual experience.

Take good use of the Manage City menu

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

The Manage City menu is a crucial tool in Viking Rise that allows you to efficiently oversee and control various aspects of your growing village. Taking good use of this menu can help you streamline your management tasks, save time, and optimize your village’s growth. Here are some tips on how to effectively use the Manage City menu in Viking Rise:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the menu layout: Take some time to explore the Manage City menu and understand its layout. It usually contains sections for different aspects of your village, such as buildings, resources, research, and army management. Knowing where to find each function will help you navigate the menu more efficiently.
  2. Keep track of your resources: The Manage City menu often provides an overview of your current resources, such as food, wood, stone, and gold. Regularly check your resource levels to ensure that you have enough supplies to support your village’s growth and military operations.
  3. Monitor construction and research progress: The Manage City menu allows you to keep track of ongoing construction projects and research activities. Use this feature to monitor progress and plan your next steps accordingly.
  4. Manage your army: The Manage City menu typically contains options to recruit, train, and organize your troops. Be sure to use this feature to maintain a well-balanced and battle-ready army.
  5. Plan your expansions: The Manage City menu can help you visualize your village’s layout and identify areas for expansion. Use this information to plan your future building projects and optimize the placement of new structures for maximum efficiency.
  6. Prioritize research and upgrades: Use the Manage City menu to review your current research and upgrade options. Prioritize technologies and building upgrades that align with your overall strategy and will provide the most significant benefits to your village.
  7. Stay organized: As your village grows, it can become challenging to keep track of all your buildings and units. Use the Manage City menu to stay organized and ensure that all aspects of your village are functioning efficiently.
  8. Set goals and milestones: Based on the information available in the Manage City menu, set realistic goals and milestones for your village’s growth. Continually review your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

Join or create a Tribe

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise, joining or creating a Tribe can significantly enhance your gaming experience and provide several benefits, such as shared resources, increased protection, and strategic alliances. Here are some tips on how to join or create a Tribe in the game:

  1. Join an existing Tribe:
    a. Search for a Tribe: Look for a Tribe that suits your playstyle, language, and activity level. Many Tribes have specific requirements or preferences for their members, so make sure to find one that matches your interests and goals in the game.
    b. Send a request: Once you find a suitable Tribe, send a request to join. Be patient, as some Tribes may take time to review and accept your request.
    c. Introduce yourself: After joining a Tribe, introduce yourself to your fellow members. Building good relationships within your Tribe can lead to better cooperation and a more enjoyable gaming experience.
  2. Create your own Tribe:
    a. Plan your Tribe’s objectives: Before creating a Tribe, consider your goals and objectives for the group. Do you want to focus on conquest, trade, or simply socializing with other players? Having a clear vision will help you attract like-minded players to your Tribe.
    b. Choose a name and description: Pick a memorable and appealing name for your Tribe. Write a clear and concise description that outlines your Tribe’s goals and requirements for potential members.
    c. Recruit members: Start recruiting players to join your Tribe. You can use in-game chat, forums, or social media platforms to find players who share your interests and goals in the game.
    d. Set roles and responsibilities: Assign roles and responsibilities to your Tribe members based on their strengths and skills. This will help ensure that your Tribe operates efficiently and effectively.
  3. Tips for managing a successful Tribe:
    a. Establish clear communication channels: Ensure that your Tribe members can communicate effectively, whether through in-game chat or external messaging platforms.
    b. Organize and coordinate: Schedule regular meetings or discussions to plan and coordinate your Tribe’s activities, such as attacking enemy villages, resource sharing, or organizing joint research efforts.
    c. Encourage cooperation and teamwork: Foster a positive and supportive atmosphere within your Tribe. Encourage members to help each other, share resources, and work together towards common goals.
    d. Recognize and reward contributions: Acknowledge the hard work and achievements of your Tribe members. Celebrate successes and reward valuable contributions to keep your members motivated and engaged.

Claim your Guide & Help rewards

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise and many other games, claiming your Guide & Help rewards is an essential part of progressing and maximizing your gaming experience. These rewards are often provided to players as they complete various in-game tasks, tutorials, or reach specific milestones. Guide & Help rewards can include resources, in-game currency, workers, or other valuable items that can significantly benefit your village’s growth.

Here are some tips on how to claim your Guide & Help rewards in Viking Rise:

  1. Complete in-game tasks and tutorials: As you progress through the game, you may encounter tasks and tutorials designed to guide you through various aspects of the gameplay. Make sure to complete these tasks as they often reward you with valuable items and resources.
  2. Check your in-game notifications: Keep an eye on your in-game notifications as they may alert you when new Guide & Help rewards are available. These notifications can appear as banners, icons, or messages on your game screen.
  3. Visit the Guide & Help section: Navigate to the Guide & Help section in the game menu, where you can find information on various gameplay aspects and claim rewards for completed tasks or milestones.
  4. Claim rewards regularly: It’s crucial to claim your Guide & Help rewards as soon as they become available. These rewards may have a time limit, and failing to claim them in time might result in their expiration.
  5. Monitor your progress: Keep track of your progress in the game by regularly checking the Guide & Help section. This will help you identify upcoming milestones and rewards, allowing you to plan your actions accordingly.

Summon Heroes the right way

Viking Rise Guide for New Players: Top Tips and Strategies (2023)

In Viking Rise, summoning Heroes can significantly impact your gameplay experience, as they bring unique abilities and strengths to your village and army. Summoning Heroes the right way ensures that you maximize their potential and utilize them effectively in your strategy. Here are some tips on how to summon Heroes the right way in Viking Rise:

  1. Save summoning resources: Summoning Heroes often requires specific in-game resources or currency. Be strategic with these resources and save them up for summoning events or when you have a higher chance of getting powerful Heroes.
  2. Participate in events: Special events or promotions in the game may offer increased chances of summoning rare or powerful Heroes. Keep an eye on in-game announcements and participate in these events to take advantage of these opportunities.
  3. Understand Hero attributes and skills: Before summoning a Hero, familiarize yourself with their attributes, skills, and abilities. This knowledge will help you decide which Heroes to prioritize and how to utilize them effectively in your strategy.
  4. Focus on synergy: When summoning Heroes, consider their synergy with your existing Heroes and overall strategy. Some Heroes may have abilities that complement each other or your playstyle, which can enhance your village’s performance and give you an edge in battles.
  5. Upgrade and level up your Heroes: After summoning a Hero, invest in their upgrades and leveling to maximize their potential. Higher-level Heroes with upgraded skills and abilities will significantly impact your village’s growth and success in battles.
  6. Balance your Hero roster: Aim for a balanced roster of Heroes with a mix of different abilities, strengths, and roles. This balance will ensure that you have a versatile and well-rounded team to tackle various challenges and opponents in the game.
  7. Test different combinations: Experiment with different Hero combinations in your village and army to find the most effective lineup. Testing various setups will help you discover new strategies and tactics that work best for your playstyle.


Mastering the various aspects of Viking Rise can significantly enhance your gaming experience and improve your chances of success in the game. By focusing on economic technology, optimizing resource management, making good use of the Manage City menu, summoning Heroes strategically, and participating in a Tribe, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving and powerful village in the world of Viking Rise.

Remember to keep an eye on your in-game mail for important updates and rewards, and take advantage of guide and help rewards to support your progress. Experiment with different strategies, collaborate with fellow players, and continually adapt your approach to stay ahead in the game.

With dedication, strategic thinking, and the tips provided in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to explore, conquer, and dominate in the exciting world of Viking Rise. Good luck on your epic adventure, and may the power of the Norse gods be with you!

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