
Best ways to promote your cheerleading tryouts

If you’re a high school coach hosting an upcoming tournament at your school, you’ll need to have trained cheerleaders who can do synchronized tryouts. While that requires hours of training, you also need to promote your cheerleading tryouts — here’s how to do that.


As a high school coach on one of your school’s sports teams, you need to make sure your cheerleading tryouts are spot-on so that there’s not even a slight chance of things going wrong on the big day. Organization is key, but more importantly, you can advertise the sports event via cheerleading tryouts to get a large crowd on the day of the tournament. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top promotional strategies to market your cheerleading tryouts.

Social media marketing is the first order of business

Everyone uses social media, which means your best bet is to promote your cheerleading tryouts on social media platforms. The question is which ones? As a rule of thumb, go for the ones where your school already has social media channels. We recommend Facebook and Instagram, as they’re the most-used platforms on the planet.


Remember that it takes time to get traction on social media. You have to keep posting consistently; that’s the only trick of the trade — keep the audience engaged. Avoid writing long walls of text and keep your posts short. You can use PosterMyWall’s Facebook post templates to craft stunning posters to promote your cheerleading tryouts.

Use some good old flyer marketing

Although flyers have mostly become obsolete, they can work wonders in some cases. For instance, if you’re advertising a sports tournament, a flyer with a picture of your team of cheerleaders doing a particular tryout can get you a large number of eyeballs. As a result, you can expect a large crowd to show up at the tournament.


You don’t need a graphic designer to craft a stunning poster. Use an online graphic design tool like PosterMyWall, pick a template, customize it to your taste, and that’s it! Use colors that go with your school’s logo and fonts that stand out. Post these flyers throughout the school and high-traffic areas near your locality to get as many eyes as possible.

Email marketing can do wonders

Most people find email marketing hard to pull off — that’s because it is. You only get one shot at convincing a reader to open your email, let alone attend an event. The trick is to catch their attention through a compelling and creative headline. Think about what you can offer the audience. Whatever it is, take your time crafting the perfect subject line.


Next, an email shouldn’t just be a wall of words — no one would read that. Try to blend in images and visuals or perhaps a short video of your cheerleading tryout to give the audience a glimpse of what the event will be all about. Make sure you’re sending emails to all parents, who are most likely to attend the event and see the cheerleading tryout.

Go live on social media

One of the best ways to get traction and online viewership of your cheerleading tryout event is to host it live on social media. Facebook live is a nifty feature for that. You can live stream the event so that people who couldn’t attend the event can watch it at their homes or offices in real-time and don’t have to miss out on the action.


Alternatively, you can post pictures of the event on Instagram. Instagram is an excellent platform to advertise the event, but keep it highly visual. It’ll also tell the audience how fun the event was and what they missed out on. As a result, they’ll be sure to attend the next cheerleading tryout event you host.

Influencer marketing can accelerate promotion

Speaking of social media, you should consider pairing up with a local social media influencer who’s followed by most people in your town or city. Influencers have a large and loyal following, so if you can get them on your side, it’ll make a significant impact on the crowd you’ll get at the event.


You can also give out freebies and arrange for free snacks, or have a food truck parked outside the venue so that people have the incentive to attend your cheerleading tryout event. Alternatively, you may run social media ads for targeted marketing since social media platforms show your ads to audiences that are most likely to attend the event.

A few final thoughts

Promoting your cheerleading tryout event is no walk in the park. However, getting the word out and getting traction takes time, especially on social media. Not every cheerleading tryout event  will be the same, so you’ll have to try out multiple strategies and see which ones work best. Content is the name of the game — the more valuable content you churn out, the better you’ll keep the audience engaged.

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