
Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon How to Win The First Four Boss Fights

Written by Vince Abella

Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a massive pain. When your tutorial boss has people screaming about it in reviews, you know you’ve made a tough game. It doesn’t stop there though, as the first four chapters of the game always end in an insane boss fight. Here is how you survive each one with some recommended builds to go with each one. 

How to Beat BALTEUS in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

How to Beat BALTEUS in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

BALTEUS is the first big roadblock players will face in Armored Core VI, and has become a brand new staple in terms of FromSoftware roadblocks. BALTEUS is fine on his own, but he joins the likes of Father Gascoigne and Ornstein and Smough with a few attacks that will easily deplete your health if you aren’t careful. His most infamous attacks include his missile barrages, and the best way to deal with this AP-deleting series of attacks is through a simple button press. Using heavy weapons like the grenade launcher is very recommended as not only will this drain the annoying shield BALTEUS has up with big blasts, and any melee weapon also works really well in this fight. The pulse weapons work well to destroy this mech’s massive shield, where regular assault rifles won’t do too much against it, so those are also recommended if you want to get rid of that pesky blue bar.

It is VITAL that you stay close and use your Assault Boost to dodge the missile barrages, and once the shield is down, keep track of your ammo, as you will have to balance wailing on BALTEUS using heavy weapons and making sure it gets staggered again before it can put its shield up, allowing you to deal more damage to its health bar. Keeping BALTEUS consistently staggered while having enough energy reserved to assault boost through a missile barrage is the way to go, and both tank and bipedal builds are reliable so long as they’re mobile enough. 

How to Beat Sea Spider in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

How to Beat Sea Spider in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

This is a boss that’s quite easy in comparison to BALTEUS, but still proves to be far from a breeze with the wrong build equipped. It’s recommended to leave aside MOST of your automatic weapons save for your gatling gun, and pairing it with strong missiles like the SONGBIRDS and a Grenade Launcher was how I beat it. This setup will do a great deal of damage to the Sea Spider’s bars of both health and posture, and it isn’t that difficult at all to keep it stunlocked if you time your explosives right. It isn’t too difficult to beat him even using automatic weapons like the rifles though, and making sure you stay close is vital with virtually any build you have.

Positioning is an important part of this battle, as it has a few attacks that will easily catch a reckless player. Tank builds work well as they keep you on the move as you fire your heavy artillery, but keeping yourself on the move is a great way to avoid taking big damage from its slam. Staying close or behind the boss during its first phase works well to keep you out of the range of its deadly coral lasers and blasts, and also make sure you don’t expend much energy landing an assault boost kick that will help stagger the boss. When it transitions into the second phase, keeping in the air is one of the best things to do to avoid its hits. Tetrapod legs will easily dodge ground hits with hovering, but thankfully you don’t ever have to be in the air too long. Dodging should be used carefully, unless it looks like it’s about to bring out its big beyblade-style attack. Making good use of movements and of the openings provided by its attacks to stagger it are the best possible ways to destroy this beast. 

How to Beat Ice Worm in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon


How to Beat Ice Worm in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

Out of the four chapter bosses, the Ice Worm may just be the easiest, proving itself to be a boss among the likes of Rykard and Yhorm, serving as Armored Core VI’s primary spectacle and gimmick boss. That doesn’t make it easy though. You’ll want to keep an eye out for your compass to keep proper track of this massive beast, and use that red dot on the compass as a means to get ready to blast it with your stun needle. Once you do so, you and your pals have free reign to wail on the boss’ big glaring weak spot, and you’ll have to do this another time to get through ⅔ of this boss’ health.

However, the last 1/3rd of this boss is where things get tough. Attacks aren’t too tough to dodge with any build, but what you’ll need is a bunch of big guns. This last bit, after having to whittle down the shield with multiple needle hits, is a bit of a challenge, so using the compass is essential in making sure you land as few shots as soon as you can. Once the boss is down for what is truly the last time, you’ll have to pray that you packed some powerful enough weapons. This final bit of the boss is a pure DPS check, and it’s best to use weapons like the grenade launchers and the blades to bring its health down. You have to make every shot count, and make them quick, otherwise you’ll fail the mission. 

How to Beat Cel 240 in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

How to Beat Cel 240 in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon

This may very well be the hardest boss for any player that doesn’t figure out how to adapt to it. The best way to deal with this boss is through a combination of big damage and stagger. Running a dual shotgun build is a certified way to nearly trivialize the boss, as it manages to deal a huge amount of damage while also staggering the boss. Staggering this boss is a core part of being able to take it down. Following up a stagger with a weapon like a pulse blade using an OS chip to allow for main arm weapons to be used to deal a lot of damage is a good way to make sure your time isn’t wasted.

The big catch is how much damage the boss deals, but even then, it is advisable to use quicker, lighter legs to approach the boss quickly as well as to dodge the coral barrages the boss delivers. Making sure that you’re able to strafe away from some barrages and get underneath some of its big laser attacks is vital in surviving. The best way to survive this battle is through throwing away self-preservation and doing as much as you can to the boss and keeping as close as possible.

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About the author

Vince Abella

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