
All Cheats in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC

All Cheats in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC
Written by Ankit Gaba

GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition uses the original cheats of the GTA San Andreas, GTA Vice City and GTA III, which means you can just relive your nostalgia with those cheats, but most of you have probably forgotten the cheats, so we have compiled an entire list of all the cheats in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition, GTA Vice City Definitive Edition and GTA III Definitive Edition

These remaster look absolutely astonishing with that same vibe from the original games, but anyway, here are all the cheats from GTA San Andreas.

Table of Contents

GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition – GTA San Andreas Cheats for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X

Image from GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition - GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition

So just like I mentioned before, these cheats are the same as the ones in the originals; if you remember the original ones, then no problem for you, but if you do not remember these cheats, then we got you.

Warning: Some cheats cannot be deactivated, so you might have to start a new game if you do not save before entering the cheat

Infinite Health Cheat

The title of this cheat pretty much explains its purpose, so you probably know that you cannot get cheats on PS5, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X like you can get them on PC, so we made a list of all the cheats for those platforms as well.

To insert the cheats on PC, just type the words in cheats and make sure the game is not in pause, and to insert the cheats on the console, it’s the same, but you just have to press those buttons in the right order.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, A, Right, Left, Right, RT, Right, Down, Up, Y

Infinite Ammo Cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

The title of this cheat explains the purpose pretty much as well in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Down, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, RT, X, RT, Left, RB, RT, Left, X, Down, LT, LT

Infinite Oxygen Cheat

This cheat gives you Infinite Oxygen, and you can swim underwater for as long as you want if you have this cheat activated in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Left, LT, Down, Down, RT, Down, LT, Down

Chaos Mode

Chaos Mode cheat basically makes the entire world in GTA San Andreas go crazy; there will be cars on fire, smoke coming out of the buildings, people attack each other and you, so basically everything just goes crazy in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = L2, Right, L1, Triangle, Right, Right, R1, L1, Right, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, Right, LT, Y, Right, Right, RT, LT, Right, LT, LT, LT

Elvis Cheat in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition

The Elvis Cheat in GTA San Andreas basically turns everyone into  an Elvis Presley-like character in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, L1, Square, L2, Up, Down, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, B, Y, LT, LT, X, LB, Up, Down, Left

Fast Clock Cheat

It basically makes the time move faster; it will be a night to day and day to night very quickly with this cheat, but it does not fasten the gameplay itself. There is a different cheat for that in GTA San Andreas.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, B, LT, X, LT, X, X, X, LT, Y, B, Y

Faster Gameplay Cheat

So this cheat will make the gameplay way faster than before in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Up, Right, Down, LB, LT, X

Giant BMX/Bike Jump Cheat

This cheat will increase the jump height for your Bike in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2.
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, X, B, B, X, B, B, LT, LB, LB, RT, RB

Super Jump

By activating this cheat, your height of jumping would increase by 10x in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Up, Up, Y, Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, RB, RB

Beach Party Cheat

If you activate this cheat, you can have a Beach Party in GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, Up, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L2, R2, Triangle, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Up, Up, Down, Down, X, B, LT, RT, Y, Down

Funhouse Theme Cheat

Everyone starts dressing like a clown when you activate this cheat but proceed with a warning because on the OG version, you could only deactivate it by starting a new game, so I have not even tried to enter it in the Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, X, Square, Down, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Y, LB, X, X, B, X, Down, B

Pimp Mode Cheat

Prostitutes will start coming towards you if you insert this cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, Right, Square, Square, L2, X, Triangle, X, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S =  X, Right, X, X, LB, A, Y, A, Y

Carnival Theme Cheat

This cheat turns the setting into a Carnival, but this cheat is only available on PC unless they added it now, so we will update this article if we find this cheat on consoles.

  • PS4 and PS5 = X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Down, Left, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = A, A, X, R1, L1, A, Down, Left, A

Riot Mode Cheat

If you activate this cheat, all the pedestrians around you will start rioting.

This code cannot be deactivated

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Left, Up, Left, A, RB, RT, LB, LT

Smash N’ Boom Cheat

This cheat makes your car invincible in GTA San Andreas, and you can destroy other cars by just crashing into them.

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, LB, LB, Up, Down, Down, Up, RT, RB, RB

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition - GTA SA

Gang Members Everywhere

The Gangs will control the streets, and there will be wars everywhere if you activate this cheat.

  • PS4 and PS5 = L2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, Up, RT, RT, Left, RT, RT, RB, Right, Down

Everyone has guns Cheat

By activating this cheat, every Pedestrian becomes armed

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, RT, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down

Everyone Starts Attacking You Cheat

If you activate this cheat, every Pedestrian starts attacking you with weapons.

  • PS4 and PS5 = X, L1, Up, Square, Down, X, L2, Triangle, Down, R1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = A, LT, Up, X, Down, A, LB, Y, Down, RT, LT, LT

Everyone Starts Attacking Each Other with Golf Clubs

Warning: This cheat cannot be deactivated

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Left, Up, Left, A, RB, RT, LB, LT

Everyone Starts Attacking You but without weapons Cheat

This is the same cheat as the one with “Everyone Starts Attacking You”, but this time, they do not have any weapons.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Up, Up, Up, A, RB, RT, LB, LB

Parachute Cheat

This cheat will simply give you a parachute

  • PS4 and PS5 = Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Left, Right, LT, LB, RT, RB, RB, Up, Down, Right, LT

Muscles Maxed

This cheat will max your muscles and make you stronger

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left

Max Fat Cheat

In GTA San Andreas: The Definitive Edition, this cheat makes you fatter

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left

Minimum Fat and Muscle

This cheat will take away all your muscles and fat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right

Attractiveness Max Cheat

This cheat will max out your attractiveness in the game

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Circle, R1, L2, Up, Triangle, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, Y, Y, Up, B, RT, LB, Up, Y, LT, LT, LT

Max Respect Cheat

This cheat will max your Respect stats

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, R1, Triangle, Down, R2, X, L1, Up, L2, L2, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, RT, Y, Down, RB, A, LT, Up, LB, LB, LT, LT

Max Vehicle Skills Cheat

This cheat will max your Vehicle Skills Stats in GTA San Andreas The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, Left, R1, Right, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, LB, A, RT, LB, LB, Left, RT, Right, LT, LT, LT

Max Wanted Level Cheat

Police will start hunting for you with whatever they can

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A, Down

Jetpack Cheat

You will get a Jetpack by activating this cheat in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Left, Right, LT, LB, RT, RB, Up, Down, Left, Right

Suicide Cheat

Basically, the character will die when you activate this cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Right, LB, Down, RT, Left, Left, RT, LT, LB, LT

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition - GTA 3

Wanted Level Never Increases

Police will never come after you, so you can do anything you want

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up
  • Xbox Series X|S = B, Right, B, Right, Left, X, Y, Up

Wanted Level Increases by Two Stars

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, B, RB, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

Clear Wanted Level

This cheat will clear the wanted level stars in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, B, RB, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

Recruit Anyone Into Your Gang

This cheat was not on consoles in the original versions, so we will have to find this one if it’s there in the new ones in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.


Yakuza Gang Mode

Everyone turns into a member of the Yakuza Gang, and they run with swords or ride bikes (Not available on Consoles on originals, so we will have to find this one too) in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.


Always Midnight Cheat

This cheat will always turn the environment into a midnight environment forever in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, L1, R1, Right, X, Up, L1, Left, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, LT, RT, Right, A, Up, LT, Left, Left

The Sky is always Orange Cheat

This cheat will turn the time into 21:00, and the sky will be orange in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Left, Left, L2, R1, Right, Square, Square, L1, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Left, Left, LB, RT, Right, X, X, LT, LB, A

Sandstorm Cheat

This cheat will cause a Sandstorm everywhere on the Map in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Up, Down, LT, LT, LB, LB, LT, LB, RT, RB

Always Sunny Weather

This cheat will turn the weather Sunny in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Rb, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, Y

Super Sunny Weather

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, Down


This cheat will cause a Thunderstorm around the map in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, B

Rainy Weather Cheat

This cheat will cause Rain in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, X, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, X

Foggy Weather Cheat

This cheat will cause Fog all over the map in GTA San Andreas The Definitive Edition in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, A

Overcast/Cloudy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, X

Invisible Cars Cheat

You will only be able to see the wheels of the cars if you activate this cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, LT, Y, RB, X, LT, LT

Recruit People with Pistols into your Gang Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Square, Up, R2, R2, Up, Right, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, X, Up, RB, RB, Up, Right, Right, Up

Recruit People with Rockets/RPGs into your Gang Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, Down, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, RB, RB, A, LB, LT, RB, LT, Down, A

Only Gang Members in the Streets Cheat

This cheat will remove every civilian from the map, and there will only be Gang Members everywhere in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = L2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, Up, RT, RT, Left, RT, RT, RB, Right, Down

Full Health, Armor and $250k Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RB, LT , A, Left , Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Weapon Set 1 (Brass Knuckles, Baseball Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Micro SMG, AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktails & Spray Paint) Cheat

Just put this cheat code, and you will get all the weapons given in brackets above in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RB, LT, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Weapons Set 2 (Fist, Knife, Desert Eagle, Sawn-Off Shotgun, TEC 9, M4, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Fire Extinguisher & Grenades)

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RB, LT, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

Weapons Set 3 (Fist, Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, SPAS 12, SMG, M4, Sniper Rifle, Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher, Satchel Charges & Detonator)

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RB, LT, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

Hitman Stat Level in all weapons Cheat

This cheat will allow you to quietly kill most of your enemies in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Down, Down, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, X, A, Left, RT, RB, Left, Down, Down, LT, LT, LT

Perfect Car Handling Cheat

This will allow you to control your cars better

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, Square, R1, Left, Up, Square, R1, X, X, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, X, RB, Left, Up, X, RB, A, A, A

A lot of Traffic on roads cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S =RB, B, RT, LB, Left RT, LT, RB, LB

Reduced Traffic Cheat

There will be nearly no traffic if you activate this cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = X, Down, Up, R2, Down, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = A, Down, Up, RB, Down, Y, LT, Y, Left

Only Good Cars on Road Cheat

There will be only good and expensive cars on the road if you activate this cheat.

  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, L1, R1, Up, Right, Up, X, L2, X, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Up, LT, RT, Up, Right, Up, A, Up, LB, A, LT

Only Bad Cars on Road Cheat

There will only be bad cars on the road

  • PS4 and PS5 = L2, Right, L1, Up, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, Right, LT, Up, A, LT, LB, RB, RT, LT, LT, LT

Countryside Traffic and Theme Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Left, Square, R2, Up, L2, Down, L1, X, L1, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Left, X, LB, Up, RB, Down, LT, A, LT, LT, LT

All Cars Have Nitro Cheat

  • PC = Speed Freak
  • PS4 and PS5 = Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Up, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, L2, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Left, Y, RT, LT, Up, X, Y, Down, B, LB, LT, LT

All Vehicles Float Away on Impact

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, RB, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, LB, A

Flying Boats Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, B, Up, LT, Right, RT, Right, Up, X, Y

Flying Cars Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, Down, L2, Up, L1, Circle, Up, X, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, Down, LB, Up, LT, B, Up, A, Left

Cars Explode

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, LB, RT, LT, LB, RB, X, Y, B, Y, LB, LT

Spawn Hunter

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, A, LT, B, B, LT, B, RT, RB, LB, LT, LT

Spawn Monster Truck

  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1
  • PC = Right, Up, RT, RT, RT, Down, Y, Y, A, B, LT, LT

Spawn Hydra

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Y, X, B, A, LT, LT, Down, Up

Spawn a Hotring Racer A

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, B, RB, Right, LT, LB, A, A, X, RT

Spawn a Hotring Racer B

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, LT, B, Right, LT, RT, Right, Up, B, RB

Spawn A Bulldozer

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L1, L1, Right, Right, Up, Up, X, L1, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB LT, LT, Right, Right, Up, Up, A, LT, Left

Spawn A Limo

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, Up, LB, Left, Left, RT, LT, B, Right

Spawn Rhino

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, B, LT, B, B, B, LT, LB, RT, Y, B, Y

 Spawn Romero

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, RT, Down, RB, LT, Left, RB, LB, Left, Right

Spawn Quadbike

  • PS4 and PS5 = Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S =  Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, Y, RT, RB

Spawn Stunt Plane

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, Up, LT, LB, Down, RT, LT, LT, Left, Left, A, Y

Spawn Bloodring Banger

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, RT, B, LB, LB, A, RT, LT, Left, Left

Spawn Rancher

  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Up, Right, Right, LT, Right, Up, X, LB

Spawn Hovercraft in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5  = (Not found yet)
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = (Not found yet)

Spawn Tanker in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, Up, Left, Right, R2, Up, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, Up, Left, Right, RB, Up, Right, X, Right, LB, LT, LT

Cars Drive on Water in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

  • PC = Not found yet
  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Right, RB, B, RT, LB, X, RT, RB

GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition – GTA Vice City Cheats for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition - GTA Vice city

As with the other games, GTA Vice City will feature the exact same codes used as in the previous releases. The original cheats on the Xbox have been slightly changed, with the original White button becoming the Left Bumper and the Black button becoming the Right Bumper.


Word of warning, though: A few of these cheats CANNOT be deactivated, so be careful with what you input.


Weapon Set #1 Cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

This first of the three weapon set cheats includes access to all of the Light weapons present in the game in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.


  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RT, LB, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Weapon Set #2 Cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

The second of the weapon set cheats will allow players to be able to use all of the medium weapons in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RT, LB, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left


Weapon Set #3 Cheat in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition

The third and final of the weapon cheats gives players access to all of the heavy weapons in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RT, LB, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down

Full Health Cheat

Obviously, this cheat will give players full health. What else could it have been?


  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, Circle, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RT, LB, B, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Full Armor Cheat

Yet another plainly obvious cheat from the name of it.


  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RT, LB, A, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up


Increase Wanted Level by 2

This cheat will quite obviously increase your Wanted Level by 2 if you want a more intense chase in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.


  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RB, B, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right


Lower Wanted Level to 0

The opposite of the last cheat, this one will eliminate your Wanted Level entirely in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, RB, B, RT, Up, Down, Up, Down


Suicide Cheat

The most self-explanatory cheat possible in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, L2, Down, L1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, LT, Down, LB, Left, Left, RB, LB, LT, LB


Speed Up Gameplay Cheat

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition = GTA VICE CITY image 2

Using this cheat will increase the speed of your game by 2 and can reach 4 times the normal speed in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Y, Up, Right, Down, LT, LB, X


Slow Down Gameplay Cheat

Quite obviously, this will have the opposite effect of the Speed Up cheat, as instead, this will slow down the game and make it half the normal speed in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Y, Up, Right, Down, X, RT, RB


Quick Clock Cheat

This cheat will allow players to be able to make the in-game clock much quicker than the usual speed in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, B, LB, X, LB, X, X, X, LB, Y, B, Y


Spawn Tank Cheat

Bring in the big guns with this cheat, spawning a tank for players to use to be able to bulldoze enemies in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y


Spawn Bloodring Banger Cheat

Drive around in this classic-looking beauty using this cheat code in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Up, Right, Right, LB, Right, Up, X, LT


Spawn Alt Bloodring Banger Cheat

Drive around in this classic-looking beauty using this cheat code… but in a new style in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Down, RB, B, LT, LT, A, RB, LB, Left, Left


Spawn Sabre Turbo Cheat

This cheat will allow you to drive the cool Sabre Turbo in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, L2, Down, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, Left

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, LT, Down, LT, LT, A, RB, LB, B, Left


Spawn Hotring Racer Cheat

Get around Vice City in these fast vehicles, which resemble stock cars for some reason in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB


Spawn Alt Hotring Racer Cheat

Get around Vice City in these fast vehicles, which resemble stock cars for some reason… but again in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RT, LB, B, Right, LB, RB, Right, Up, B, RT


Spawn Hearse Cheat

Who are you gonna call? This cheat if you want the Hearse in its first appearance in the GTA franchise! Just be sure you’re the one driving and not the one inside it, in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Down, RT, Down, RB, LT, Left, RB, LB, Left, Right


Spawn Limo Cheat

Wanna feel rich? Drive around in the fancy Stretch limousine in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RT, Up, LT, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right


Spawn Trashmaster Cheat

Take out the trash using this garbage truck as a vehicle in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, RB, B, RB, Left, Left, RB, LB, B, Right


Spawn Caddy Cheat

Wanna play golf? Drive around in a Caddy and have some fun in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, LB, Up, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A


Flying Boats Cheat

Wanna go fishing in the stars? Use this cheat to make your boat far more advanced than any present technology for no logical reason whatsoever in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X =  RT, B, Up, LB, Right, RB, Right, Up, X, Y


Nearby Vehicles Explode Cheat

Want to blow something up? How about that car right next to you! Blow up nearby vehicles using this cheat in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RT, LT, RB, LB, LT, RT, X, Y, B, Y, LT, LB


Road Rage Cheat

For once, you’re not the only homicidal maniac on the road! With Road Rage, everyone is out to ram your car in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.


  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RT, B, RB, LT, Left, RB, LB, RT, LT


Pink Cars Cheat

This cheat will turn all of the cars into the color pink in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, X

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, LB, Down, LT, Left, A, RB, LB, Right, A


Black Cars Cheat

This cheat will turn all of the cars into the color black in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, LT, Up, RB, Left, A, RB, LB, Left, B


Flying Cars Cheat

Unlike Cyberpunk 2077, you can bring in flying cars to drive yourself GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition using this cheat!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Y, B, Y, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down


Vehicle Handling Buff Cheat

If you’re struggling with driving, use this code to improve the vehicle handling in all of the cars available in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Y, RB, RB, Left, RB, LB, RT, LB


All Traffic Lights Green Cheat

This cheat will turn all the traffic lights green to allow you a clear path to drive in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, RB, Up, LT, LT, Left, RB, LB, RB, RB


Amphibious Cars Cheat

This cheat will allow cars in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition to drive or hover on water.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, RT, B, RB, LT, X, RB, RT


Invisible Cars Cheat

GTA VC - GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition

This cheat will make only the wheels of your vehicle visible in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition, rendering your car practically invisible.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Y, LB, Y, RT, B, LB, LB


Big Wheels Cheat

As it says in the name, this cheat will increase your car’s wheels and also change your vehicle properties in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, X, Triangle, Right, R2, Square, Up, Down, Square

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, A, Y, Right, RT, X, Up, Down, X


Ricardo Skin Cheat

Play as Ricardo Diaz, one of the many side characters in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, L1, R2, L2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = LB, LT, RB, RT, Down, LB, RT, LT


Lance Skin Cheat

Be able to play as Lance Vance, yet another one of the many characters of GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, L1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, LT, Left, A, RB, LB, A, LB


Ken Skin Cheat

Step into the shoes of Ken Rosenberg, a character in both in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition with this cheat!



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, L1, Up, L2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R1

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, LB, Up, LT, LB, Right, RB, LB, A, RB


Hilary Skin Cheat

Use this cheat to be able to play as Hilary King, a driver in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, Circle, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, X, R2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RB, B, RT, LB, Right, RB, LB, A, RT


Jazz Skin Cheat

Rock out as the lead singer of the fictional band Love Fist known as Jezz Torrent in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Down, LB, Down, LT, Left, A, RB, LB, A, A


Phil Skin Cheat

Take control of Phil Cassidy, a recurring character in a few of the series’ games and makes a main appearance in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, R1, Up, R2, L1, Right, R1, L1, Right, Circle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = Right, RB, Up, RT, LB, Right, RB, LB, Right, B


Sonny Skin Cheat

Roam the streets as the big bad of the town, Sonny Forelli in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition using this cheat.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, L1, Circle, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, X, X

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, LB, B, LT, Left, A, RB, LB, A, A


Mercedes Skin Cheat

Walk around in the shoes of Mercedes Cortez in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition with this cheat!



  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, L1, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = RT, LB, Up, LB, Right, RB, Right, Up, B, Y


Candy Suxxx Skin Cheat

Yep, Candy Suxx is playable in GTA Vice City: The Definitive Edition with a cheat.



  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, R2, Down, R1, Left, Right, R1, L1, X, L2

  • Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X = B, RT, Down, RB, Left, Right, RB, LB, A, LT

Sunny Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, Down

Cloudy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, Y

Very Cloudy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X

Foggy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, A

Rainy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
  • Xbox and Xbox Series X|S = RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, B

Invinciblity Cheat

(Only found on PC so far)


GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition – GTA 3 Cheats for PS5, PS4, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series S|X

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition - GTA III

Just like Vice City and San Andreas, GTA 3 uses the same old cheats in GTA Trilogy The Definitive Edition.

All Weapons Cheat in GTA 3

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, RT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Free Money Cheat

You get some free money in GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition with this cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, L1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, LB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Full Health Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, R1, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, RB, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Full Armor Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, L2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, LT, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

Raise Wanted Level Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, RT, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

No Wanted Level Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R2, L1, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RT, LB, RT, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down

More Gore Cheat

  • PC = Not found yet
  • PS4 and PS5 = Square, L1, Circle, Down, L1, R1, Triangle, Right, L1, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = X, LB, B, Down, LB, RB, Y, Right, LB, A


Improved Car Skills Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R1, L1, R2, L1, Left, R1, R1, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RB, LB, RT, LB, Left, RB, RB, Y


Invisible Cars Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 =  L1, L1, Square, R2, Triangle, L1, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, LT, X, RT, Y, LB, Y


Blow Up All Cars Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LT, RT, LB, RB, LT, RT, Y, X, B, Y, LT, LB


Fly Cars Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Down, L1, R1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Right, RT, B, RB, LT, Down, LB, RB

Spawn A Tank Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = B, B, B, B, B, B, RB, LT, LB, Y, B, Y


Fast Motion Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, L1, L2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Y, Up, Right, Down, X, LB, LT

Pedestrians Hate You Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L1, L2
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Up, Left, Up, A, RB, RT, LB, LT

Pedestrians Fight Each Other Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = Down, Up, Left, Up, X, R1, R2, L2, L1
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = Down, Up, Left, Up, A, RB, RT, LT, LB

Crazy Pedestrians with Weapons Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = R2, R1, Triangle, X, L2, L1, Up, Down
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = RT, RB, Y, A, LT, LB, Up, Down

Clear Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Triangle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, RB, LT, Y

GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition - GTA 3 RTX

Cloudy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Square
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, RB, LT, X

Rainy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 = L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, Circle
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, RB, LT, B

Foggy Weather Cheat

  • PS4 and PS5 =  L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, X
  • Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S = LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, RB, LT, A

To buy GTA Trilogy: The Definitive Edition click on any of the links below

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Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

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What do you think about these cheats? Please let us know in the comments below.


About the author

Ankit Gaba

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