
Zoo Park Story Beginner’s Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies
Written by Nik

Welcome to our Zoo Park Story Beginner’s Guide! If you’ve just downloaded the game and can’t wait to dive into the world of zoo management, you’re in the right place. This article will provide valuable tips, tricks, and strategies to help you create the best zoo experience for both your visitors and the animals you care for.

Zoo Park Story is a popular mobile game that allows players to build, manage, and expand their very own zoo. With its charming graphics, engaging gameplay, and a wide variety of animal species to collect, it’s no wonder many players find themselves hooked on this entertaining simulation game. As a new zookeeper, you might be wondering how to make the most of your resources, attract more visitors, and ensure the well-being of your animals. We’ve got you covered!

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll discuss various aspects of the game, such as designing your zoo layout, maximizing your zoo’s income, managing different animal species, and completing in-game tasks efficiently. By following these tips and strategies, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful zoo manager in no time.

Designing Your Zoo Layout

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

One of the first things you’ll want to consider when starting your Zoo Park Story journey is the layout of your zoo. A well-designed zoo will not only be visually appealing but also efficient in terms of space and visitor flow. In this section, we’ll go into more detail about designing the perfect zoo layout.

  1. Plan ahead: Before placing any exhibits or attractions, take some time to plan out your zoo’s overall design. Consider the size and shape of your available land, as well as any natural features such as bodies of water or hills. Sketching out a rough plan on paper or using a digital tool can help you visualize your ideas and make adjustments as needed. This will help you avoid overcrowding and ensure that your visitors can easily navigate the park.
  2. Keep it organized: Group similar exhibits and attractions together to create themed areas within your zoo. For example, you could create a “Tropical Rainforest” area with exhibits featuring animals from South America and Southeast Asia, or a “Savannah” area with African species. Themed areas not only make your zoo more enjoyable for visitors but also help them find their way around more easily.
  3. Optimize paths: Place paths strategically to connect all the exhibits and attractions in your zoo. This will ensure smooth visitor flow, which is essential for a successful zoo experience. Consider using a variety of path styles and materials to add visual interest and differentiate between different areas of your zoo. Additionally, provide seating areas and shaded spots along paths for visitors to rest and enjoy the scenery.
  4. Don’t forget about facilities: Make sure to include restrooms, food stands, souvenir shops, and other essential facilities throughout your zoo. These amenities will keep your visitors happy and encourage them to stay longer. Place them strategically near high-traffic areas and attractions to ensure that they are easily accessible to visitors.
  5. Expand wisely: As your zoo grows, make sure to plan for future expansions. Reserve space for new exhibits and attractions, and remember to leave room for additional paths and facilities. When expanding, consider how the new additions will affect visitor flow and overall zoo layout. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed to maintain an efficient and enjoyable zoo experience.
  6. Utilize landscaping and decorations: Enhance your zoo’s aesthetic appeal by incorporating landscaping elements such as trees, bushes, flowers, and rocks. These natural features can help create a more immersive and realistic environment for your animals and visitors. Additionally, use decorations such as statues, fountains, and themed structures to add character and visual interest to your zoo.
  7. Consider accessibility: Ensure that your zoo is accessible to all visitors, including those with disabilities. Provide ramps and accessible paths where necessary, and make sure that all facilities are designed with accessibility in mind.
  8. Monitor visitor feedback: Pay attention to the feedback you receive from your visitors. They can provide valuable insights into areas where your zoo’s layout may be lacking or could be improved. Use this feedback to continuously refine and optimize your zoo’s design.

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Maximizing Your Zoo’s Resources and Income

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

To ensure the success of your zoo, it’s crucial to efficiently manage your resources and income. In this section, we’ll provide more in-depth tips and strategies to help you maximize your zoo’s potential.

  1. Complete daily tasks: Zoo Park Story offers daily tasks that reward you with coins, gems, and other valuable resources. These tasks can range from simple actions like feeding animals to more complex endeavors such as upgrading facilities. Make sure to complete these tasks regularly to maintain a steady flow of income and keep your zoo running smoothly.
  2. Upgrade your attractions: As you progress through the game, upgrading your attractions will become increasingly important. Improved attractions will attract more visitors and generate more revenue, so invest in these upgrades whenever possible. Upgraded attractions may also offer additional benefits, such as increased ticket prices or faster income generation.
  3. Collect revenue regularly: Don’t forget to collect the income generated by your attractions and exhibits. Regularly collecting your earnings will help you maintain a consistent cash flow for your zoo. Keep an eye on the progress bars above each attraction to know when it’s time to collect your income.
  4. Invest in advertising: Attracting more visitors is key to increasing your zoo’s income. Invest in advertising campaigns to boost visitor numbers and grow your zoo’s popularity. Different types of advertising campaigns are available, each with its own cost and effectiveness. Choose the advertising strategy that best suits your zoo’s needs and budget.
  5. Manage your staff: Hire staff members to help maintain your zoo and keep it running efficiently. As you expand, you’ll need to hire additional staff to ensure that your zoo remains well-managed and profitable. Assign your staff members to specific tasks, such as cleaning exhibits, feeding animals, or maintaining facilities, to maximize their productivity.
  6. Optimize ticket pricing: Set optimal ticket prices for your zoo to maximize visitor satisfaction and revenue. Monitor visitor feedback and adjust your prices accordingly to strike the right balance between affordability and profit. Keep in mind that special events, new attractions, and other factors may influence your optimal ticket pricing strategy.
  7. Participate in events and competitions: Zoo Park Story frequently hosts events and competitions that offer valuable rewards and resources. Participate in these events to earn additional income and unlock exclusive content for your zoo. Some events may require you to complete specific tasks or reach certain milestones, so make sure to plan accordingly.
  8. Monitor and adjust your resource allocation: Regularly review your zoo’s income and expenses to ensure that your resources are being allocated effectively. Adjust your spending and resource allocation as needed to maximize your zoo’s profitability. For example, you may need to invest more in advertising or staff training to boost visitor numbers and improve your zoo’s overall efficiency.
  9. Develop a diverse income strategy: Relying solely on ticket sales for your zoo’s income can be risky, as fluctuations in visitor numbers can impact your revenue. Diversify your income sources by investing in a variety of attractions, food stands, souvenir shops, and other revenue-generating facilities. This will help you maintain a steady income, even during periods of lower visitor attendance.

By implementing these tips and strategies, you’ll be able to maximize your zoo’s resources and income, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of your park. With careful planning, strategic investments, and ongoing adjustments, your zoo will thrive and continue to grow, providing a fantastic experience for both your visitors and the animals under your care.

Read also: Zoopark Story Guide: All You Need to Know

Managing Animal Species and Their Habitats

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

Your animals are the stars of your zoo, and their well-being should always be a top priority. We’ll go into more detail about managing the various species in your zoo and creating the ideal environment for each of them.

  1. Research animal needs: Each animal species has different habitat requirements and preferences, such as the type of enclosure, temperature, and foliage. Familiarize yourself with these needs by researching each species in the game or referring to online resources. This will help you create the ideal environment for each species in your zoo and ensure their well-being.
  2. Keep animals happy: Happy animals will attract more visitors and generate more income. Ensure that your animals have access to food, water, and enrichment items to keep them content. Regularly check the happiness level of your animals and address any issues that may be affecting their well-being, such as overcrowding, insufficient enrichment, or unclean enclosures.
  3. Breed animals: Breeding animals is an excellent way to expand your zoo’s animal collection and increase its appeal to visitors. Make sure to provide suitable breeding environments for your animals to encourage successful breeding. This may include providing appropriate shelter, food, and other environmental factors specific to each species. Be aware that some animals may have specific breeding seasons or conditions that must be met for successful breeding.
  4. Monitor animal welfare: Regularly check on your animals to ensure that they are healthy and well-cared-for. Address any issues that arise, such as illness or injury, to maintain high animal welfare standards in your zoo. Keep an eye on your animals’ health and happiness levels and take prompt action to address any concerns.
  5. Provide adequate space and shelter: Ensure that your enclosures are large enough to accommodate the number of animals you plan to house. Overcrowded enclosures can lead to stress and unhappiness among your animals, negatively affecting their well-being and your zoo’s overall appeal. Also, make sure to provide appropriate shelter for each species to protect them from the elements and give them a place to rest.
  6. Enrichment and social interaction: Providing enrichment items and opportunities for social interaction is essential for the mental well-being of your animals. Enrichment can include toys, puzzle feeders, climbing structures, and other items that encourage natural behaviors and mental stimulation. Ensure that social animals are housed with compatible companions to promote healthy social interactions and reduce stress.
  7. Maintain enclosure cleanliness: Regularly clean your animal enclosures to ensure a healthy and hygienic environment for your animals. Assign staff members to specific cleaning tasks or invest in upgrades and equipment that can help automate the cleaning process. A clean and well-maintained zoo will not only benefit your animals but also create a more pleasant experience for your visitors.
  8. Educate your visitors: One of the primary goals of a zoo is to educate visitors about the natural world and promote conservation efforts. Provide informative signage and educational exhibits that teach your visitors about the animals in your zoo, their natural habitats, and the importance of conservation. This will not only enhance your visitor experience but also help raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet’s wildlife.

Completing In-Game Tasks and Challenges

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

As you progress through Zoo Park Story, you’ll encounter various in-game tasks and challenges that will test your zoo management skills. Successfully completing these tasks will reward you with valuable resources and help you unlock new content. In this section, we’ll explore more tips and strategies to help you tackle these tasks and challenges more effectively.

  1. Prioritize tasks: With many tasks available at any given time, it’s crucial to prioritize those that offer better rewards or unlock new content. Make a list of your current tasks and rank them based on their rewards and importance to your zoo’s progress. Focusing on high-priority tasks first will help you make the most of your time and resources in the game.
  2. Use boosts and power-ups: Some tasks may be challenging or time-consuming, but using boosts and power-ups can help you complete them more efficiently. These items can provide various benefits, such as speeding up construction times, increasing revenue generation, or improving animal happiness. Save these items for when you really need them to ensure you can tackle difficult tasks with ease.
  3. Plan ahead: Many tasks will require you to plan ahead and make strategic decisions. For example, you may need to save up resources for an upcoming expansion or prepare your zoo for a special event. Be prepared to think on your feet and adapt your zoo management strategy as needed to complete tasks successfully.
  4. Don’t be afraid to seek help: If you find yourself struggling with a particular task or challenge, don’t hesitate to seek help from fellow players or online resources. The Zoo Park Story community is full of knowledgeable players who are more than willing to share their tips and strategies. Join online forums, social media groups, or chat with friends who also play the game to gain insights and advice on how to overcome challenges.
  5. Be patient and persistent: Some tasks may take time to complete, and it’s essential to remain patient and persistent in your efforts. Keep working towards your goals, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks or obstacles. Remember that every completed task gets you one step closer to your dream zoo.
  6. Keep track of your progress: Regularly review your completed tasks and challenges to evaluate your progress and identify areas where you can improve. This will help you stay focused on your goals and make more informed decisions about how to allocate your time and resources.
  7. Set personal goals and milestones: In addition to completing in-game tasks and challenges, set your own personal goals and milestones to work towards. These can include expanding your zoo to a certain size, collecting a specific number of animal species, or achieving a particular visitor satisfaction rating. Setting personal goals can help you stay motivated and focused on your overall zoo management strategy.
  8. Celebrate your achievements: As you complete tasks and overcome challenges, take the time to celebrate your achievements and recognize the hard work you’ve put into growing and improving your zoo. Share your successes with friends, family, or fellow players, and use your accomplishments as motivation to continue striving for greatness in Zoo Park Story.

Tips for Long-term Success in Zoo Park Story

Zoo Park Story Beginner's Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies

As you continue to play Zoo Park Story, it’s essential to keep some long-term strategies in mind to ensure your zoo’s lasting success. Here, we’ll provide more in-depth tips to help you achieve long-term success in the game.

  1. Be patient: Growing and expanding your zoo takes time. Be prepared to invest time and effort into your zoo, and don’t be discouraged by slow progress. Patience is key to achieving lasting success in Zoo Park Story. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your dream zoo. Focus on steady growth and improvement, and you’ll eventually see the fruits of your labor.
  2. Keep learning: As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter new challenges and unlock new content. Continuously learn and adapt your strategies to stay ahead of the game and ensure your zoo remains successful. Research new animal species, study the latest zoo management techniques, and experiment with different layouts and designs to keep your zoo fresh and engaging.
  3. Stay engaged with the community: The Zoo Park Story community is a valuable resource for tips, tricks, and strategies. Stay engaged with fellow players, share your experiences, and learn from others to improve your zoo management skills. Participate in online forums, social media groups, and in-game chat to exchange ideas and gain valuable insights from other players.
  4. Enjoy the journey: Most importantly, have fun while playing Zoo Park Story! Building and managing your dream zoo is an enjoyable and rewarding experience, so don’t forget to enjoy the journey along the way. Celebrate your successes, learn from your challenges, and take the time to appreciate the unique and diverse world you’ve created.
  5. Continuously optimize your zoo: As your zoo grows and evolves, it’s crucial to continuously evaluate and optimize its various aspects. Regularly review your zoo’s layout, attractions, and animal habitats to ensure they remain efficient, engaging, and visually appealing. Make adjustments as needed to keep your zoo running smoothly and maintain a high level of visitor satisfaction.
  6. Plan for the future: Always keep an eye on the future and make strategic decisions to ensure your zoo’s long-term success. Invest in research and development to unlock new attractions, animal species, and features. Save resources for future expansions and upgrades, and be prepared to pivot your strategies as new challenges and opportunities arise.
  7. Build a strong brand: Your zoo’s reputation is directly tied to its success. Focus on building a strong brand by creating a consistent and memorable experience for your visitors. Develop a unique theme, color scheme, and logo for your zoo, and ensure that your marketing materials and in-game assets align with your brand identity. A strong brand will help your zoo stand out in the competitive world of Zoo Park Story and attract more visitors.
  8. Stay adaptable: In the ever-changing world of zoo management, adaptability is crucial. Be prepared to adjust your strategies and plans as new challenges, opportunities, and trends emerge. Stay informed about updates to the game, changes in visitor preferences, and innovations in zoo management to ensure your zoo remains at the forefront of the industry.


Building and managing a successful zoo in Zoo Park Story requires careful planning, dedication, adaptability, and a keen eye for detail. By following the tips, tricks, and strategies outlined in this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to create an efficient and attractive zoo layout, maximize your resources and income, ensure the well-being of your animals, and tackle various in-game tasks and challenges.

As you progress through the game, remember to stay engaged with the community, learn from your experiences, and continuously refine your strategies to stay ahead of the curve. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process of creating and managing your dream zoo. With hard work, perseverance, and a passion for zoo management, you’ll create a thriving and successful zoo that delights visitors and provides a safe and nurturing environment for the animals in your care.

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