
Ultimate Tiny Space Program Guide: Tips for Building, Exploring, and Expanding Your Space Base

Ultimate Tiny Space Program Guide: Tips for Building, Exploring, and Expanding Your Space Base
Written by Alexis

Tiny Space Program is a mobile game that lets players build and manage their space agency, explore the solar system, and develop and maintain a space base on different planets and moons. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to excel in this game, from tutorial assignments to building bases, exploring new planets, and making the most of your resources. Let’s start the countdown and blast off on an adventure!

  1. Tutorial Assignments

run space program in tiny space program


Upon starting a new game of Tiny Space Program, you’ll be given a list of tutorial assignments. Completing these tasks increases your knowledge of the game and rewards you with 100 credits each. The tutorial assignments include the following:

  • Build your first satellite
  • Scan the Moon
  • Build your first space-ship
  • Land your Space Ship
  • Returning Home
  • Setting up a base

Completing these assignments will give you a solid foundation in the game and allow you to start exploring and building on different planets.

  1. Expanding Your Space Base

After completing the tutorial assignments, you can focus on expanding your space base further. This includes constructing rovers, hydroponics, workshops, landing pads, and collecting resources. Ensure to assign workers to each facility and keep your base operational.

  1. Exploring New Planets and Moons


In Tiny Space Program, exploring new planets and moons is essential. To do this, send out satellites to scan planets and moons, then prepare a spacecraft for landing. Before launching a mission, ensure you have the equipment, life support, and technology to land on the new celestial body.

  1. Landing and Exploration Activities

Upon landing on a new planet or moon, you can engage in various activities, including exploration on foot, atmospheric measurements, area scanning, seismic scanning, and gathering samples. Carry out these activities for multiple rewards, such as tech points and credits.

  1. Efficiently Managing Credits


Credits play a crucial role in Tiny Space Program. Almost everything in the game requires credits, so it’s essential to manage them wisely:

  • Complete as many missions as possible for rewards.
  • Participate in daily and weekly quests, along with milestones.
  • Earn credits by scanning unknown planets, gathering resources, and sending tourists to destinations.
  • Be mindful of your expenditure to ensure financial stability.
  1. Researching New Technologies

Continuously research new technologies to unlock more ships, improve rover speed, go off-road, and boost your spacecraft’s efficiency. Balance your technology expenditures to ensure you effectively utilize your resources and don’t waste credits.

  1. Building Outposts on Every Visited Planet

By building outposts on every planet and moon you visit, you can expand your space empire and collect more resources more efficiently. Make sure your spacecraft has the necessary equipment to set up an outpost.

  1. Repairing Ships and Vehicles

construct a base in tiny space program


Keeping your ships and vehicles operational is crucial. As their durability decreases over time, use Repair Packs to maintain functionality. Be prepared to repair your vehicles whenever needed.

  1. Efficiently Managing Your Resources

Proper resource management is critical to the success of your space base and missions. In Tiny Space Program, you’ll need to gather, create, and utilize resources like water, carbon, and building materials to sustain your operations:

  • Collect and mine resources from planets and moons for base construction, fuel production, and life support.
  • Use your workshop to refine raw materials and create valuable items such as parts, components, and consumables.
  • Send supplies and resources to and from your bases using ships to ensure you have what you need in each location.
  1. Training and Deploying Astronauts

To carry out the various missions in Tiny Space Program, you’ll need to train and deploy astronauts:

  • Hire astronauts from the Astronaut Center and assign them their roles.
  • Train your astronauts to improve their skills and efficiency.
  • Ensure you provide adequate life support and supplies for your astronauts during missions and base assignments.
  1. Navigating and Managing the Various Phases

Throughout the game, you will progress through different phases encompassing the Moon, Mars, and further exploration:

  • Unlock new planets and moons by scanning them with your satellites.
  • Land on celestial bodies with increasingly challenging missions.
  • Expand your bases and outpost operations as you progress through the various phases.
  1. Collaborating with Other Players


In Tiny Space Program, you have the option to collaborate and share your in-game progress, tips, and strategies with other players:

  • Please seek advice from experienced players and learn from their success stories.
  • Please share your knowledge and help others in their space adventures.
  • Engage with the game’s community to stay updated on new content, updates, and strategies.
  1. Adapting to Unforeseen Challenges

As you progress in Tiny Space Program, you’ll encounter unexpected challenges and hurdles. Always be prepared to adapt your plans and strategies to handle these situations:

  • Keep an eye on your resource levels and adjust your operations accordingly.
  • Be flexible in your approach to missions, technology, and resource management.
  • Learn from setbacks and use them to develop new strategies and tactics.
  1. Automating Your Operations

As your space agency expands, efficiently managing all aspects can become challenging. Automating parts of your operations can help you focus on critical tasks while still maintaining overall efficiency:

  • Upgrade your facilities with automation technology, such as AI-powered rovers for resource collection or automated systems for life support generation.
  • Monitor the performance of your automated systems to ensure they are optimized and operating as intended.
  • Adjust automated operations according to changing objectives, resource availability, or technology upgrades.
  1. Prioritizing and Balancing Research

mine and gather resources in tiny space program


Throughout the game, you’ll have access to a vast array of research topics. Prioritizing and balancing your research choices is essential to developing successful strategies and avoiding wasted resources:

  • Establish short-term and long-term research goals, focusing on upgrades and technology that will have the most significant impact on your operations.
  • Allocate sufficient resources to your research, ensuring that essential projects are well-funded and on schedule.
  • Regularly review your research priorities, given the ever-changing dynamics of your space agency and the celestial bodies you explore.
  1. Space Tourism and Earning Extra Credits

Starting a space tourism business can be an excellent way to generate extra credits and fund your space agency operations:

  • Develop space tourism infrastructure, such as passenger ships, hotels, and tourist attractions.
  • Advertise your space tourism services to attract potential customers.
  • Manage and maintain your space tourism facilities, ensuring that they provide a safe, enjoyable, and profitable experience for your clients.
  1. Preparing for Unseen Dangers and Disasters

The unpredictable nature of space exploration carries inherent risks and dangers. Anticipating and preparing for such hazards is essential for safeguarding your operations and assets:

  • Build redundancies in critical systems, such as backups for power generation and life support.
  • Train your astronauts to handle emergencies, ensuring that they are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to survive and succeed in challenging situations.
  • Develop contingency plans for potential disasters, from equipment failures to meteor strikes or alien encounters.
  1. Staying Updated on the Game

launch different spaceships in tiny space program


Finally, it’s crucial to stay updated on Tiny Space Program’s new features, content, bug fixes, and patches:

  • Follow the game’s official channels, such as social media and forums, to receive the latest news and announcements directly from the developers.
  • Read patch notes and change logs to understand how updates may affect your current strategies and plans.
  • Engage with other players and share experiences, strategies, and tips to stay ahead of the ever-evolving game.

In conclusion, our comprehensive Tiny Space Program guide ensures you have all the necessary information to manage your space agency, explore new planets, and efficiently establish your space bases. Remember to balance strategically between managing resources, expanding your space base, and enhancing your technology.

Keep venturing into the unknown, and may the stars guide you to interstellar success!

With our Tiny Space Program guide, you now have the tools and strategies to explore the solar system, manage your space agency effectively, and establish a thriving space base on various planets. Remember to balance your resources, expand your base strategically, and never stop exploring the vast universe.

To download Tiny Space Program click on your preferred platform below:

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