
Cyberpunk 2077 was the best selling game on PlayStation Store in June

CDPR created a Bug Montage of Cyberpunk 2077 A Few Months before release
Written by Vince Abella

Cyberpunk 2077, the infamous disaster, has somehow found its way to the top of sales charts. Cyberpunk was spotted at the top of the PlayStation 4 sales, even ranking above some arguably more polished games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto V. Despite the astonishingly bad release of Cyberpunk 2077, it has managed to sell a large amount of copies, probably due to the lack of knowledge regarding its unfinished state prior to its official release. CD Projekt Red, the creators of the futuristic and ambitious title, have also adapted the massively popular series known as The Witcher.


PlayStation itself has warned buyers and consumers regarding the horrid quality of the game, and even then, the title managed to be the most downloaded game of June 2021. Even now, more than half a year after release, Cyberpunk fails to live up to the high expectations the studio itself set before release, filled with a few bugs and glitches. CD Projekt Red is still currently trying to fix their product and have already felt the impact of their failure when it was removed from the PlayStation store temporarily. The game is currently stable and is nowhere near the trainwreck that it was on release, but despite the lack of multiple crashes in one sitting and alarming frame rate drops, it still feels like a game that was released far too soon.

About the author

Vince Abella

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