Saints Row 5 has been in development at THQ Nordic for a while at Volition, but we do not know many things about it yet.
This article will basically summarise everything we know about Saints Row 5 currently. I am still really interested in Saints Row 5 despite the lack of updates because Saints Row 2 used to be one of my favourites games when I was a child. I would really love to see a remake or even a remaster of Saints Row 2. I really hope that they end up giving the Saints Row Third Remaster treatment to Saints Row 2 someday, and THQ Nordic do have tons of games in development. I really hope that one of them is a Saints Row 2 Remake or Remaster. I just really wanna play it again, and the PC port is broken; I would love to see a remake or remaster done by Volition.
Epic Games Exclusive

It’s basically confirmed that Saints Row 5 will end up being an Epic Games Exclusive because of the recently leaked documents, which suggest that both Saints Row 5 and Dead Island 2 will end up being only on Epic Games along with consoles. Dead Island 2 has been in development for a while as well. If you want to know what happened to Dead Island 2, please read this article. I think Saints Row 5 will end up being a Next-Gen Exclusive as well since it has been in development for around 1-2 years, and THQ Nordic might be trying to get that Next-Gen Only advantage. I think we might see more information related to Dead Island 2 and Saints Row 5 later in June, and I’ll talk more about that later. Saints Row 5 is being developed by Volition, who has been involved in the development of various Saints Row Games, Red Faction Games and recently the Agents of Mayhem Game. Their track record has been quite inconsistent, so I would keep my expectations low for now.
More Information to be revealed at E3

More information about Saints Row 5 might be revealed at this year’s E3 Press Conference. THQ Nordic have already confirmed that they will be hosting a Presentation and showcase multiple games. So I think that Saints Row 5 will definitely be revealed via a trailer which is most likely going to be CGI with some more information related to the game itself. We might see gameplay of Saints Row 5 at a later date and event such as Gamescom.
E3 will be taking place this year from June 12 to June 15, and we will keep you updated about everything that happens at E3 and try to cover the most important parts.
I think Saints Row 5 will be very good graphically after Saints Row The Third Remaster, where they literally redid the graphics completely and made it look like a current-gen game. I do not doubt THQ Nordic in this factor because of that. Hopefully, Saints Row 5 Ends up giving us a full-fledged Next-Gen experience with the classic fun Saints Row Gameplay. I cannot wait to see what Saints Row 5 ends up being about. There have been some rumours which stated that it might end up being a straight sequel to Saints Row The Third. I do not really doubt those leaks because that might have been the reason they remastered Saints Row The Third for current-gen and are going to port it to next-gen to provide everyone with the experience of the prequel of Saints Row 5. I still have not played Saints Row The Third Remaster. I am definitely gonna try to play it on PlayStation 5 before we get more information related to Saints Row 5 because I just want to feel a bit more hyped about this game. There have been some disappointing rumours about Saints Row 5 as well. Some rumours claimed that Saints Row 5 would end up having in-game microtransaction in single-player as well, along with the much-requested multiplayer mode. This game will also have a decent customization mode, but it will be much better than Saints Row 4’s Customization Mode.
I really hope that Saints Row 5 ends up having great cameos and an amazing soundtrack; just like the previous Saints Row games, I want to see a more Hip Hop orientated soundtrack in Saints Row this time.
Release Date

There is no word about an official release date for Saints Row 5 currently, but I speculate that we will see Saints Row 5 releasing around 2022-2023 if it gets revealed at E3 this year. We will definitely end up knowing a release date this year, though, so stay tuned, and we will also try our best to keep you updated with all the news related to Saints Row 5. I cannot wait to find more information about Saints Row 5 later this year. The rumours of Saints Row 5 have mentioned a 4 player co-op mode with difficulty scaling, multiplayer mode with 32 player gangs, but that is very unlikely since those got recently debunked by THQ Nordic’s PR manager. I think the PR Manager debunking these rumours and even acknowledging the game might have given us a clue that the game is going to release very soon however we just do not know a specific release date yet.
I would suggest you keep to an eye out for E3 2021, which is taking place this June from 12-15, and THQ Nordic is confirmed as an exhibitor. This is the closest Saints Row 5 fans will get to information about Saints Row 5 for a while.
I think that they will release a trailer at E3 2021, but that’s just me speculating, so do not take my word as factual information or something. I am still looking forward to what THQ Nordic showcases at E3 because, just like we mentioned before, they have over 100 games in development, and I wanna see what those projects are. I am really hoping for some new IPs, Remasters, Remakes, Saints Row V and Dead Island 2.
What do you think? Are you still hyped for Saints Row 5 despite the lack of updates and information? Do you think that it will have a multiplayer mode? Please let us know in the comments below.