
Monolith Soft working on a new open world RPG

Monolith Soft working on a new open world RPG
Written by Alexis


Renowned game developer Monolith Soft, celebrated for their work on titles like the “Xenoblade Chronicles” series, is embarking on an exciting new venture. A fresh job listing has revealed details about their upcoming project—a brand new RPG

Here is the translated text for you from the Job Listing:

Hello everyone. This is Takahashi from Monolith Soft.
This time, we are recruiting development staff for Monolith Soft’s 1st Production for the first time in a long time.
I can’t go into the details here, but the genre is a “new RPG.”

The new RPG is taking on many new challenges compared to previous Monolith Soft titles.
Naturally, the content to be created is becoming more sophisticated, so we need many talented people,
which is why we are now looking for people. For
convenience, we have narrowed down the job types to eight, but
we are basically looking for people in all areas.
The required skill level is also all-round, from asset creation to lead.

As I mentioned in the previous recruitment,
Monolith Soft has been producing games with a small number of people compared to the scale of the titles we make. This was something we were proud of, but the current situation in the gaming scene means
that we can no longer say so . For example, the days of using human wave tactics to produce a large amount of material have long since come to an end, and it has become commonplace to provide an efficient production environment.

In order to meet the ever-increasing demands of our customers, it is important to have a wide range of knowledge and horizontal connections that utilize that knowledge.
In the role-playing game genre,
each specification, such as the field, battle, characters, quests, and story, is closely linked. To be honest , it is difficult to create each part independently
, especially in the case of open-world type works, which have become commonplace these days . Of course, it is not impossible to create the game that way, but if there is no horizontal cooperation, it will be immediately obvious to customers who play the game, and that is not our intention.

We put a lot of effort into creating our games, so we want as many customers
as possible to enjoy them. This has been the thought that has driven the creation of our games at Monolith Soft. For
this recruitment, we are looking for people who share this sentiment and are looking for such a production environment.

I know I may have sounded a little formal, but Monolith Soft is not a rigid organization.
At least in the first production,
we are a relatively rough and sloppy organization, which is what makes us unique.
Please feel free to come and visit
us. Let’s create new works and a new organization together.

“A new RPG” brought to you by General Director Tetsuya Takahashi – We
are looking for staff to help us create the world

Founded in 1999, Monolith Soft has a storied history of crafting compelling and expansive RPGs. Their acclaimed titles, including “Xenogears” and the “Xenosaga” series, have set industry benchmarks for storytelling and gameplay mechanics. Their more recent success with the “Xenoblade Chronicles” series has cemented their reputation as innovators in the RPG genre.

key art of Xenoblade 2

In a recent announcement, General Director Tetsuya Takahashi shared that Monolith Soft’s 1st Production is currently seeking talented individuals to join their team for the first time in many years. Although specific details about the new game remain under wraps, Takahashi confirmed that the genre will be a “new RPG” and that it will introduce many new challenges compared to previous Monolith Soft titles. He emphasized the need for sophisticated content creation, necessitating a wide array of skilled professionals.

Monolith Soft’s games have traditionally been produced with smaller teams relative to the scope of their projects, a point of pride for the company. However, as Takahashi noted, the evolving landscape of the gaming industry demands efficient production environments and extensive horizontal cooperation. Such collaboration is particularly crucial for developing complex RPG elements like fields, battles, characters, quests, and storylines, especially in open-world settings.

The job listing highlighted the need for expertise across various areas—from asset creation to leadership roles. Monolith Soft seeks individuals who are passionate about meeting the growing demands of their audience and who possess a broad range of knowledge and skills.

Takahashi concluded the announcement by inviting prospective candidates to join Monolith Soft’s unique and relatively informal organizational culture. He encouraged potential new hires to help create not just the upcoming RPG, but also to contribute to the evolution of Monolith Soft as a whole.

As Monolith Soft continues its tradition of innovative RPG development, fans eagerly await more information about this mysterious new project.

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